The New Braless Shirt For You

Wearing a bra has become a normal fixture if not a necessity in most women’s lives.
Contorting one to our bodies before we leave our homes in the morning and only relieving ourselves from them just before bed later that night. Though most of us say the best part of the day is coming home and taking our bras off, we tend to keep them on or replace them for another bra like item. Even, when we are in place of comfort, our personal bodies are not. Whether it be elastic pinching into our sides or backs, straps weighing down on our shoulders or some wire like thing pressing against our ribs we are not as relaxed as we deserve!

What if there was a shirt you can wear with nothing added under it or over it and you would feel comfortable around anybody? What if you could ditch your bra for more hours of the day? What if you could have the illusion of wearing a bra with NONE of the annoying, inconvenience it provides? Well it’s here ladies! What does braless shirt mean?
What does braless shirt mean?

So, yes you can go braless in any shirt, but not all of us are comfortable doing so around others. Having our nipples show or the actual outline of our breasts show through a t-shirt can be a bit uneasy or awkward depending on the situation. For instance, your cooking dinner and your teenage son comes in with a couple friends unexpectedly and of course your nipples are front, and center and you can definitely tell how low or high your ladies sit and so can they. It’s your home and boobs are natural, who cares, but some of us don’t want to be in this situation, therefore we wear layers, sports bras or continue wearing a bra until we are in our beds, door shut and isolated.

Our braless shirt is just that, a shirt you can wear with no bra, but wait, there’s more! Flying Lotus Apparel has fashioned a shirt that you can wear anywhere and have the appearance that you are wearing a bra. How? Instead of having elastic, that wears tightly to the body, or any other hooks and straps, there is a lightweight barrier sewn in the front of the shirt. This barrier is a soft material, providing the cover for your nipples. When wearing one of our braless shirts you won’t need to put anything else underneath it or add anything over it! You are free to be braless and confident doing so!
What’s Flying Lotus Apparel all about?

Flying Lotus Apparel was founded by a woman who couldn’t stand wearing her uncomfortable bra, even after she got home. But with a house full of growing sons and their friends in and out of the house, not wearing one felt awkward and caused some apprehension. Sohary would talk and laugh with her friends and family about the struggle of having boobs and how frustrating it is to not be able to just let them hang free. After a while, she realized the same desire to be free of restricting materials and to feel uninhibited was common with almost every woman she encountered.
After a few years of brainstorming, combing through various fabrics, experimenting different designs and cuts and getting back constant feedback from numerous women, Flying Lotus Apparel has created a braless experience we all can enjoy! Not only does our product create relaxation on the inside but the outside as well.
What are people saying about Flying Lotus
Women that have worn these shirts can’t praise them enough. Family and friends have wondered how it’s taken so long for something like this to hit the market. The ability to give yourself less time restrained in a bra and more time being comfortable in your skin is here for all to have. The gift of freedom and modesty is here! Now you can be braless at home around family and friends, running to the grocery store, walking the dog or whatever you want, and no one will notice. No bra? No worries . . . No one will notice!
If you’re ready to join our braless family, visit us at .
By: Bianca Carvell